Heidenhain Interface Electronics
IK 220 – universal counter card for PCs
The IK 220 is an expansion board for PCs for recording the measured values of two incremental or absolute HEIDENHAIN encoders. The subdivision and counting electronics subdivide the sinusoidal input signals 4 096-fold. A driver software package is included in delivery.
EIB 741 – External Interface Box
The EIB 741 is ideal for applications requiring high resolution, fast measured value acquisition, mobile data acquisition or data storage. Up to four incremental or absolute HEIDENHAIN encoders can be connected to the EIB 741. The data is output over a standard Ethernet interface.
EIB series – External Interface Box
The external interface box subdivides the sinusoidal output signals from HEIDENHAIN encoders and converts them into absolute position values with the aid of the integrated counting function. When the reference mark is crossed, the position value is defined with respect to a fixed reference point.
- EIB 192
- EIB 392